Christ in you, He is enough!

That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me. - Colossians 1:29 (NLT)

Christ in you, He is enough. How much is enough? How much is enough sleep? “Well,” you may say, “that depends on the day.” How many clothes are enough in a wardrobe? How much is enough money? How much time is enough? How many followers on social media are enough? Maybe you have asked yourself that question, especially when you felt that you did not have enough. These questions naturally arise in a world with limited resources and can feel like it will never be enough for some. About 2,000 years ago, a church in modern-day Turkey named Colossae was also asking a similar question, “Is Jesus enough?”


The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the church in Colossae under very challenging circumstances. He was imprisoned in Rome and worried that this young church would be dragged away from Christ because they were being drawn to believe that Jesus was not enough. Paul was, therefore, in a predicament: how could he persuade the church that Jesus was enough while he was suffering in prison? What do you do when God calls you to encourage others in the faith while going through a trial? In a paradoxical pivot, Paul chose to use the bars of a prison cell to bear testimony to the power of God. Paul shared that he could toil to exhaustion and struggle for the faith because Christ’s mighty power worked within Him. In other words, Paul’s strength and perseverance amid his struggle proved that Christ was enough.


Paul then makes a life-changing revelation that will empower Gentiles and shock the Jews. The Christ who lived in him is the same Christ who promises to live in them, too: “For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you…” Like the Gentiles, we may feel like we do not measure up compared to others. When we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, whether it is seeking good grades, better time management, more meaningful relationships, or managing the expectations of others, God reminds us of this promise: Christ lives within you! When Christ lives in us, He is enough to help us face trials without being consumed by them. Instead, these challenges can ignite us to hold onto His strength and strengthen others in their faith. When Christ is in you, He is enough!



  1. How do you personally define “enough” in your life? Think about areas like sleep, money, social media, and time. What is driving your sense of what’s “enough”?

  2. How can the promise that “Christ lives in you” change the way you face challenges, whether academic, social, or emotional?

  3. Do you believe Jesus is enough for you in the pressures you face? What does it mean for you to rely on Christ’s power rather than your own abilities when you feel like you are not enough?

  4. How could you allow Christ’s presence in your life to ignite purpose and strength? In what specific area of your life could you invite Christ’s power into your struggle?

Pastor Joseph Khabbaz

Joseph currently serves as the VP for Spiritual Life and Chaplain at Southern Adventist University. Prior to moving to Southern, he served as Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Takoma Park, MD. Originally from Sydney, Australia, Joseph was the Director of Tertiary and Young Adult Ministries for the South Queensland Conference. He also worked as a Chartered Accountant (CPA’s equivalent) before leaving the corporate world to study for his MDiv at the Andrews Theological Seminary. His passion is to ignite missional leaders and prepare young adults in the advancing of God’s Kingdom. He and his wife Christina met on the campus of Southern and enjoy international missions, playing basketball and spending quality time with family and friends.

Praise God in Advance


How Did I Get Here?