The Book of Hebrews Pastor Joseph Khabbaz The Book of Hebrews Pastor Joseph Khabbaz

Focus of Jesus

Focus on what matters most. In her book Attention Span, American Psychologist Gloria Mark highlights how, in 2004, people in the workplace spent about three minutes on a task before switching to another; by 2021, that time dropped to every 47 seconds.

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The Gospel of Luke Pastor Joseph Khabbaz The Gospel of Luke Pastor Joseph Khabbaz

One Gave Thanks

You are a miracle. Considered one of the most influential scientists of all time, theoretical physicist Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.”

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The Book of Psalms Pastor Joseph Khabbaz The Book of Psalms Pastor Joseph Khabbaz

The Power of Praise

You can experience great strength through song. In 2022, art director Vitali Alekseenok remembered scrambling amid conflict as the annual international classical music festival was scheduled in Ukraine's second-largest city.

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