None of God's Promises Fail
God’s promises never fail. Shortly after Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company was founded, the company faced its first two death claims…
The Hiding Place
Where do you hide when things get hard? In December 2024, a man in Massachusetts got stuck in a chimney while trying to escape a drug-related arrest by police.
Son of Encouragement
Encouragement is being lifted when life feels heavy. A community was scrambling to gather their belongings after a major storm flooded a town in Iowa.
Praise God in Advance
Praise God in advance because the battle has already been won. This weekend is Alumni Homecoming and the 50th anniversary of Die Meistersinger, a men’s chorus at Southern that began in 1974.
Christ in you, He is enough!
Christ in you, He is enough. How much is enough? How much is enough sleep?
How Did I Get Here?
“How did I get here?” is often asked when we find ourselves in a situation we did not expect.
Let God’s Oil Take Away Your Yoke
What we think is essential can sometimes be unnecessary. Have you ever lost something that you thought you could not live without?
Beyond Body Doubles
Jesus will always choose to trade places with a sinner. In 2012, the financial news outlet Business Insider reported that extremely wealthy individuals have avoided prison terms by hiring body doubles.
Strength through Solitude
What gets our attention gets us. In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, but few could imagine how it would drastically alter modern life
When Less Moves More
It is not how much faith you have but what you have your faith in that makes the difference.
Focus of Jesus
Focus on what matters most. In her book Attention Span, American Psychologist Gloria Mark highlights how, in 2004, people in the workplace spent about three minutes on a task before switching to another; by 2021, that time dropped to every 47 seconds.
One In Christ
We were made to live together. This year will mark the 70th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accepting the call to pastor Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
One Gave Thanks
You are a miracle. Considered one of the most influential scientists of all time, theoretical physicist Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.”
Finding Significance in Small Beginnings
When you treat the small things like they are big things, the big things become small things. In the book Win the Day, the author tells how the only way to cross the Niagara Gorge in the mid-eighteenth century was by boat.
The Power of Praise
You can experience great strength through song. In 2022, art director Vitali Alekseenok remembered scrambling amid conflict as the annual international classical music festival was scheduled in Ukraine's second-largest city.
The Light Still Shines
A shadow requires light. Have you ever noticed that shadows can still be seen even during the darkest nights?
Believing without Seeing
Faith is when one believes without seeing. The age-old phrase "seeing is believing" has been around for centuries, but its relevance during this resurrection weekend is particularly powerful.
Trusting in God: A Bird's-Eye View
Have you ever stopped to think about how birds do not worry about where their next meal is coming from? Unlike us, birds do not have to farm their land or store food reserves in barns.
Kintsugi: Transformed by the Potter's Touch
In 2020, world-famous Japanese artist Makoto Fujimura was invited by the School of Visual Art and Design to speak at Southern for Convocation.
Alone With God
By coming face-to-face with God, Jacob also came face-to-face with himself. It is no secret that loneliness can be difficult to deal with, yet so many people try their best to avoid it.