5 Easy Steps to Write a Book Review of a Christian Author

As a Christian, you know that reading the Bible and Christian literature is essential for your spiritual growth. But did you know that writing reviews of those same books can be just as beneficial? That's right—writing a Christian book review can help you deepen your understanding of God’s will while also leading to better retention of the author’s key points. Not to mention, it's a great way to share your thoughts and knowledge with others who would benefit from your insights.

Don't know where to start? No problem! Here are five easy steps to get you on your way to writing a Christian book review:

Step One: Read the Book from Cover to Cover (Or at Least Skim It)

This may seem like an obvious first step, but it's still essential. To write an effective review, you need to understand the author's overall argument. So before you start jotting down your thoughts, take some time to read (or at least skim) the book from cover to cover.

Step Two: Determine the Main Points or Takeaways

Once you've finished reading (or skimming), it's time to start identifying the book's key points. To do this, make a list of the main ideas or themes covered in each chapter. Once you have those down, narrow your focus even further by zeroing in on one or two specific takeaways from the book as a whole. These will serve as the basis for your review.

Step Three: Jot Down Your First Thoughts and Impressions

Now that you know what you want to focus on, it's time to start putting pen to paper—or rather, fingers to keyboard. Begin by writing down your first impressions of the book. Did it make you think about your faith in new ways? Did it challenge some of your previously-held beliefs? Are there any areas where you disagree with the author? Let your thoughts flow freely at this stage; you can always edit them later.

Step Four: Organize Your Review into a Logical Format

Once you have all your thoughts down on paper (or screen), it's time to start organizing them into a coherent format. A typical Christian book review will include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, provide some basic information about the book, such as the title, author, and publisher. Then, in the body paragraphs, discuss the main points or takeaways you listed in Step Two. Finally, wrap things up with a brief conclusion in which you state whether or not you would recommend the book to others.

Step Five: Share Your Review with Others

Once you've written your review, it's time to share it with others! Post it on social media, submit it to a blog or website, or even print it out and share it with friends. Who knows—your words might just inspire someone else to pick up that book and give it a read!

Writing a Christian book review is a great way to deepen your understanding of what you're reading and share your thoughts and insights with others. And thanks to these five simple steps, anyone can do it! So why not give it a try today?

Question: What steps to you use for your book reviews? Leave a comment below.

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Pastor Joseph Khabbaz

Joseph currently serves as the VP for Spiritual Life and Chaplain at Southern Adventist University. Prior to moving to Southern, he served as Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Takoma Park, MD. Originally from Sydney, Australia, Joseph was the Director of Tertiary and Young Adult Ministries for the South Queensland Conference. He also worked as a Chartered Accountant (CPA’s equivalent) before leaving the corporate world to study for his MDiv at the Andrews Theological Seminary. His passion is to ignite missional leaders and prepare young adults in the advancing of God’s Kingdom. He and his wife Christina met on the campus of Southern and enjoy international missions, playing basketball and spending quality time with family and friends.


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